Friday, April 22, 2011
Well, I'll post the sketches I've done so far, along with my thoughts on them :)
Title: Nekoneko(Sort of) Commissioned by Jie Hau for Melissa, he asked me to draw a "meowmeow" for "melmels", and since I love cats, I complied :)
Title: Chaste Kiss
Just an instant in time I wanted to draw, one of my earlier drawings. I had no confidence in drawing eyes then (now too come to think of it). This picture gives me warm-happy feelings when I look at it.
Title: PraiseMy most "complete" sketch to date, I wanted to draw something themed "Praise", but got stuck. Then I got hit by the thought that "nothing screams PRAISE more than a rocker-girl on a bass guitar hahas... I had lots of fun designing her outfit and guitar. But my hair and shading could use lots of work though.
Title: KakashiJust a sketch commissioned for Benedict's birthday, he likes Kakashi from Naruto™. It's deceptively easy to draw
Title: AwakenI wanted to draw a girl waking up from sleeping on her desk, not really well done, but I had good practice on drawing eyes.
Title: As You Turn AwayJust a memory, nothing to go crazy about.
Title: TwintailsMy first attempt in drawing a character with eyes, definitely not one of my best work, but it's an important milestone to me:)
Title: HorrorA girl bloodstained with her own blood, isn't that just romantic in a macabre way? I had great fun drawing this:)
Title: Grace Like Rain"Open the floodgates of Heaven. Let it rain. Let it rain." Those were the song lyrics that inspired me to draw this.
Labels: sketches
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9:33 AM
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sick With a Dash of Happiness
ACK!!! Food poisoning!!! Could things get any worse? Well thanks to the MC I got, I guess it's a good excuse to finally update my blog Ʃ:3 (this Ʃ:3 is a cat smiley by the way hahas)
Well... I've been really hard at work brushing up my art skills in drawing anime sketches, and I'm all for posting them on my blog, but with one minor problem, my scanner's resolution is not up to par and my camera lost it's USB cable.
Hmm... well, I'm sure I'll think of some alternatives soon, but for now, let me show some of the scans that DID turn out ok Ʃ:3
Labels: random stuff
Signing off at...
9:38 PM