Hahas finally got the resources to continue my "Top 10" list hahas... A dear friend of mine recently said that these lists were interesting hahas... glad to know that people still read my blog:) It's hard to find 2 pictures for each entry (like what I did for previous lists) so I'll just post one for each (sorry). On with the list! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #10 Name/Age(He): Ial/20+ Name/Age(She): Erin/18 Anime: Kemono no Souja Erin What I like: Erin first met Ial when she was 14. At that time Ial gave Erin his harp which was his last keepsake from his deceased father. When they met again much later, at that time Ial was being hunted for crimes he didn't commit and Erin helped hide him from his pursuers. She trusted that he hasn't changed his upright and loyal nature from the first time they met and after many trials they each had to face separately, they somehow cared for each other deeply enough to love. To me, their relationship represents how love can blossom from trusting each other's character.
#9 Name/Age(He): Natsu Dragneel/17 Name/Age(She): Lisanna/17 Anime: Fairy Tail What I like: Childhood friends who were close and saw one another as family. Lisanna has a crush on Natsu. And it's hinted that he has similar feelings, as shown when it was thought that Lisanna was killed. Natsu becomes uncomfortable and evasive when she is brought up in conversations and even mentions of her makes him upset. But they have rekindled their relationship when she came back very much alive. In Facebook terms, they're each other's "It's complicated" hahas...
#8 Name/Age(He): Nura Rikuo/13 Name/Age(She): Yuki-Onna/13 Anime: Nurarihyon no Mago What I like: Though their relationship is more between servant and master, it is clear that they are very close and protective of each other. I think Yuki-Onna regards Rikuo with deep affection and maybe even love, just that she doesn't know it herself yet, and passes her protectiveness off as doing her duty to protect her master. I'm not sure what Rikuo thinks of her though, he always comes to her rescue when she's hurt or in trouble and she does likewise. I think they're more like friends who're so close that the hassle of "dating" or "being in a boy-girl relationship" doesn't really have much meaning anymore.
#7 Name/Age(He): Yagami Kazuma/19 Name/Age(She): Tsui Ling/18 Anime: Kaze no Stigma What I like: At 18, Kazuma was banished from his family, his only desire became achieving great power. He traveled to a small town in China, where he caused all kinds of trouble. That is until he met Tsui Ling, whom he fell in love with and eventually lived with. Kazuma no longer desired power and along with working part-time at a restaurant with her, he also took up a job as a freelancer, doing simple odd jobs. But their happiness came to an abrupt end with Tsui Ling's violent death. Though Kazuma eventually killed the one responsible for her death, it left him empty. Their tragic relationship reminds me on how fleeting love can be. That even if you don't wish for violence, the world may bring it to you.
#6 Name/Age(He): Okazaki Tomoya/18 Name/Age(She): Furukawa Nagisa/19 Anime: Clannad What I like: Okazaki Tomoya is a third-year student who is labeled as a delinquent by others because of his constant tardiness. On one of his late comings, he meets Furukawa Nagisa, a shy girl who skipped her last year due to her sickness and has to repeat last year over again - with her friends all graduated. Although Tomoya doesn't care for this girl at first, he becomes unable to leave her alone. Thus, he starts helping Nagisa with her wish, on the revival of the Drama Club. Though that failed, they became closer and after Tomoya confessed to her, they started becoming a couple and eventually getting married. Their relationship reminds me on how love can happen anywhere and at anytime, being in love is not always necessarily "love at first sight" but can be developed over time :)
#5 Name/Age(He): Usui Takumi/17 Name/Age(She): Ayuzawa Misaki/17 Anime: Kaichou wa Maid-sama! What I like: Takumi regularly tells Misaki that he likes her, but she brushes it off as a joke or harassment, calling him a "Perverted Outer Space Alien." However, there is no doubt that she gradually develops feelings for him, but refuses to acknowledge them until her childhood friend confesses his love for her, and that was when she realises that she actually did love Takumi. She always says that she hates him, but it usually means she loves him. Hahas... a typical tsundere relationship. Nice to watch in an anime, but really hard to manage in real life :(
#4 Name/Age(He): Allen Walker/17 Name/Age(She): Lenalee Lee/18 Anime: D.Gray Man What I like: Allen is a person who is willing to get hurt for the sake of his friends, and Lenalee is someone who doesn't want her friends to get hurt. As you can see there's a conflict in their character. But somehow they can strike a balance and actually complement each other quite well :) like two gears moving in opposite directions, yet they are what help each other move.
#3 Name/Age(He): Otonashi Yuzuru/- Name/Age(She): Tachibana Kanade/- Anime: Angel Beats! What I like: Their story takes place in the afterlife. Yuzuru was a student who was accepted into a top medical school. But on the way to enroll, the train he was on got into accident. However, before he died he noted on his citizens card that he wishes to donate all his internal organs to people who are in need. And with that he passes on. And somehow ends up in the afterlife. There he meets Kanade, a girl with seemingly little emotion. After many happenings Yuzuru realises that Kanade isn't actually a person who feels nothing, but a kind hearted girl who doesn't know how to express herself clearly. As time goes by they learn that this "afterlife" isn't really that at all. But a place for youths to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams in life. Yuzuru's dream was to live on the "thank yous" given to him by the people he has helped (which is why he wanted to be a doctor). While Kanade had heart problems since she was young and as her heart was failing, a donor donated his heart to her allowing her to live an extended life, and so her dream was to say "thank you" to the person who gave her his heart. And guess what? That donor was Yuzuru who died in that train accident! Yuzuru confesses his love for Kanade, and she thanks him for loving her and giving her life. With that, she disappears(obliterated), her dream fulfilled. the ending scene was really emotional. I cried when I watched it so sue me hahas.
Name/Age(He): Ayasaki Hayate/16 Name/Age(She): Tennos Athena/16 Anime: Hayate no Gotoku! What I like: Athena rescued Hayate (when they were 6) as he lay dying after running away from home when he couldn't take the crimes his parents were doing anymore. They lived together for awhile. But as time passed, Hayate decided to return to his parents if they decided to change their ways. They claimed to have done so and Hayate (not realising that they betrayed him) trusted them. He returned to tell Athena the news but she knew what Hayate parents had done and asked Hayate to leave them calling them "trash of humans". Hayate, not understanding why she was behaving this way, tried to defend his parents and said that Athena didn't know how he felt because she didn't have any parents. A big fight ensued, and Athena told Hayate to leave and she never wanted to see him again. She immediately regretted and asked Hayate to come back and that she was sorry. But she was too late and he had left. They never saw each other again till 10 years later. But even then, it's clear that they still loved each other deeply. She still dreams of him, and he still cries when he thinks of her. When they were finally reunited, she forced him to leave her, being afraid that she would hurt him again. This time they parted on a good note. I feel that their relationship is really bitter and sweet at the same time. Just like how love is.
Name/Age(He): Cloud Strife/22 Name/Age(She): Tifa Lockheart/21 Anime: Final Fantasy VII What I like: Cloud and Tifa share a special relationship. They've both made it obvious that they care deeply for each other even when they were little. Cloud and Tifa both grew up in Nibelheim, the small mountain town where they were born. As most of you probably know, our anti-hero wasn't quite the social stereotype; on the contrary, he didn't relate at all to the other youth in town, and neither was he accepted in the groups, anyway. As a result, he totally distanced himself from others, and never really learned, as a child, what it felt like to have friends. However, he did like one kid in Nibelheim, and that was the popular Tifa Lockheart, always surrounded by her own group of friends: three boys, as immature as children are supposed to be, and especially harsh towards Cloud, who, in everybody else's eyes, was "different".
This does not mean Tifa didn't feel anything for him, though. She was intrigued by him, but, at such a young age already, society proved not to work, not allowing the "weirdo" down the street and the most popular girl in town to meet. Cloud never actually knew she cared at this point, but kept watching her from a distance nonetheless: until the fateful day when Tifa's mother died. Crushed and feeling real pain for the first time in her life, and despite how dangerous it might be, she decided to go to the other side of Mt. Nibel, where she believed her mother could be: but her little friends didn't join her on this particular quest, and it was up to Cloud alone to save Tifa when she missed her step. However, our "hero" couldn't make it in time, and they both fell off the mountain; while he was merely bruised, Tifa went into a seven days coma Cloud was fully blamed for.
Cloud becomes even more antisocial after this incident; he'd fight for no reason at all, no matter who it was he was up against. But his affection towards Tifa was not forgotten, and he decided to leave Nibelheim for Midgar to join SOLDIER, to impress her.
Tifa and Cloud have they first private, meaningful talk at the well in Nibelheim, where he lets her know where he's going and what he's leaving for. She was visibly saddened by the news, but still too shy to just go and tell Cloud how she felt about him: instead, she made him promise that he would become her hero, to come back and rescue her whenever she was in trouble. And he did, broken, weak and humiliated, but he did fulfil his promise.
I know, long essay, but I'm just passionate alright? so cut me some slack hahas...
My new transport supervisor is an anti-social moron. And in memory to his actions, I Anderson Neo Ming Yu, will rant on his antics this week.
In the beginning of the week, he had a medical appointment so he wasn't around. He was already hugely unpopular with the people in camp and my MTO(Motorised Transport Officer) decided to have a talk with us in that guy's absence to settle any grievances we have. Each person aired his grievances, such as the guy having medical appointments half the week and leaving us to do his work, saying irresponsible things, talking behind others' backs, alienating people who try to be nice to him and blaming us for not trying to understand him, etc.
The MTO revealed to us that the guy claims to be suffering from depression and has mental illnesses (people trying to get off easy usually resort to this, ie. guys trying to get out of NS or criminals or the like).
Most of us flat out rejected his claims, saying that if it were true, then he would have medical proof such as a doctor's letter, which he doesn't. MTO told us to calm down and asks us, "Would you take the chance that what he's saying isn't true?" And at that point I was -_-"
He took 'A' levels and went through BMT for crying out loud! The kind of stress we have here is nothing compared to that! Zzz... compared to army-side and other camps, life here is like heaven (comparatively).
But MTO told us to just give him a chance. And that, along with the sermon I heard on Saturday about forgiveness, made me resolved to seriously give him a chance.
When he came back, I was nice to him, talking to him about stuff I know he likes (such as Starcraft) and helped him to handle some of his duties. But he took it as if he deserves it. At that point I was still hopeful my efforts would pay off. But as I got to know him better, the less I liked him. He talks about people behind their backs, but when confronted he feigns ignorance(coward), counters every single thing other people say with the arrogance of a pampered cat.
There was once I was reading the newspaper when I flipped to an article on people complaining about scantily clad celebrities, he saw that and said with a smile on his face, "You like this kind of stuff right? You horny ba***rd." and repeated the last 3 words over and again. I got really pissed and replied, "So says the guy who reads articles on rape out loud."(which he did before he passed the paper to me.) He said that that doesn't make him horny and tried to bait me into challenging him to a debate on how horny each of us are.
To my credit I didn't take the bait. (Trust me, it was hard)
After lunch I spoke to him again to try giving his messed up reputation another chance. I told him I was gonna buy Starcraft 2 soon and asked him if he would be interested in playing it with me. He asked me why am I going to buy it so late. I said that it was due to me waiting for the price to drop and to wait for my brother's end-of-year exams to end so that he could now afford distractions. That guy replied with a smirk on his face, "Your brother so noob ah?"
God help me, I nearly slapped him then and there.
You guys know how much I love and treasure my brother. And no one, I mean NO ONE messes with him, including me. I stopped the conversation and went out for some air to cool myself down.
Later we had to do servicing (which coincidentally was a Transport Supervisor's job), I did it with another Transport Supervisor who was also a friend of mine and a few others. That guy never even showed up while we were working under the sun getting engine oil all over us and inhaling haze.
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
My course ends tomorrow, and then it's RTU (Return To Unit) hahas... Sometimes I wish the days where I can stay home will never end. But then again, being back in unit in the west would make my life meeting church people and MI people a lot easier hahas. My schedule would look something like this weekly:
Monday-Go to MI to give GP tuition. Tuesday-Play badminton with Yang En and gang. Wednesday-Meet up for Lifegroup sharing. Thursday-Hit the gym to rip my muscles to shreds. Friday-Go home and practice my writing and try to find time to practice my keyboard. Saturday-Church day :) Sunday-Go out or stay home, depends on my mood.
Well, my schedule is really flexible especially since I have to accommodate my guard/driving/standby duties. Hahas... I really hope I can share the writing I've been practicing on soon. But now they're still a work in progress hmm...
Oh well no point brooding, but lots of points to keep practicing! Hahas... but now it's good night for me :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life’s like a piano. The white keys represent happiness, and the black keys show sadness. But as you go through your life’s journey, remember that the black keys make music too.
You taught me that, so I'm not scared anymore. I have to let go of this hand that was holding on to mine.
Even if I'm alone, I'll go on, even if it's tough. I'll definitely take along the dream I had with everyone. I'm glad to be with everyone, I'm glad to have been with everyone. But on the morning when I wake up, no one is there.
Even if I look back, no one's shadow is there anymore. Only the puddles shined. To live on is to stand and fight. Once you understand that, all you need is the courage to step forward.
I'll go everywhere, that's what I learned here. I’ll show that I can make the dream called happiness come true. Even if I'm separated from everyone, no matter how far apart we are. I will live in a brand-new morning.
Even if I'm alone, I'll go on, even if I want to die. I can hear your voice, saying, "You mustn't die." Even if it's tough, even if I’m crying in loneliness, deep in my heart I feel your warmth.
Cycling and flowing, the times change. I can't recall what happened anymore. But if I try closing my eyes, there's everyone's laughing voices. Somehow that's my most precious treasure now .
Yay! My course is half over :) but a lot of duties are waiting for me back in unit :( sigh.... not sure if I should be happy with the course ending now.
Anyway, I've been having really weird dreams recently, about my future and the way I use my time. Which is a pretty weird theme for a dream. But I hope I can act on them, because those dreams are very possibly what I really want deep down in my heart.
Also, I've been trying out new styles of writing recently, such as using chiastic sentences and periodic sentences hahas... very fun! But I'm having trouble getting my head to think of how to write like that naturally. Probably means I need more practice :)
And who can forget Dissidia 012 (Duodecim)? It's gonna be released soon, so hang on :) hahas