Sunday, November 28, 2010
I'm going outfield next week from Tuesday to Thursday. Not very sure where I'm going or what I'm going to do there. But I've decided to have fun all the same hahas:) I can finally have a break from all the guard duties:) only driving duty for me from now on:) hahas... which is considered slack compared to being duty guard:)
Well... trying to keep to my principle of preparing presents for friends 1 month in advance but it doesn't seem to be going very well... Just a quick update for the Xmas giveaways:
Ming Yi: No idea what to get him for now
Yu Xian: Probably something he can use in BMT (I know you're reading this :P)
Wei Xiong: Getting him a green sweater if I can find one (lucky he doesn't read this blog lol)
Bernice: Have a rough idea (I know you're reading this too so I'm not revealing anything lol)
Jerrold: Making something that can encourage him
Stephanie: A sketch of her that I'll obtain as a favour from another friend
Wan Xin-jie: Something anime related??
Jie Hau-ge: No idea :(
Kong Sheng: Not sure too... maybe a figurine?
Bryan: A nice book :)
Ian: Something Arsenal related
Yea... that's all I've thought of till now... hahas... I hope I can get it done though... hmm... well been feeling lethargic recently... a think/hope it's due to my efforts to get away from coffee(somehow I doubt it).
Sigh... I met up with someone who I used to know a long time ago, someone I cared about, someone who had the same dreams as I did and I can't believe how someone can change so much in such a short period of time. I guess no matter how much we were alike before... Now I am me, and you are you. Though I'm sad we are on different paths, I'm glad we could at least say goodbye :)

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8:20 PM
Friday, November 26, 2010
Went out with Bernice today:) Hahas... first time I've been greeted with these words, "Hey, you were too short and I didn't notice you." Pretty amazing stuff hahas... *sobs*
We ate lunch and went shopping around for some stuff. She bought a notebook, and couldn't find a pencil. I couldn't find the books I was looking for but I found something else instead :) Confused? Same here hahas...
After we said goodbye I went to Woodlands to borrow a book and then I got home in time to go out with my parents for their 26th wedding anniversary. We ate at Jack's Place and had lots of interesting conversation hahas... like how my parents planned their wedding and how their lifestyle was like before having kids hahas...
Went home after that and I slept after blogging hahas...

I've been wondering why are we wired to love others? We do silly things, have silly hopes and, when we care enough, feel silly when we're hurt. But how come even though I've cried my tears dry that day, you still appear in my dreams?Labels: random stuff
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10:15 PM
Thursday, November 25, 2010
From this moment life has begun
From this moment you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on
From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on
I give my hand to you with all my heart
Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on
You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you
From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on
Labels: poems, random stuff
Signing off at...
7:12 PM
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Hahas... had an awesome day in church yesterday. Yu Xian is going to NS this thursday so we decided to perform a skit to mark this chapter of his life. We performed the main events a soldier has to go through in BMT in 4 scenes. I took the role as the sergeant and the rest (Ming Yi, Jerrold, Wei En, Daniel and Wei Xiong) acted as the soldiers. Scene 1 was the day they enlist, Scene 2 was a routine PT session, Scene 3 was their field camp and Scene 4 was their 24km route march.
Had lots of fun, and everything was well rehearsed. Along with Kong Sheng playing the NS song on the guitar as we did the song, the overall effect turned out really nicely:)
My favourite moment was this,
Daniel: My name is Daniel, but you can call me 大牛, or Sir...lon steak.
Me: Sirlon steak? Well-done.
Jerrold: That's rare.
Hahas... All making steak references hahas.
Glad things turned out ok, especially since we spent the whole evening+night on friday practicing hahas...
Oh talking about friday, I bought a pair of vocaloid plushies and they're so cute! Hahas... Kagamine Rin and Len. A pair of vocaloid twins:) They're really rare so I felt really lucky I managed to find them hahas...
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5:31 PM
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hahas... went out today to meet the lifegroup:) we met at Orchard Road around 4pm. People who went were Yu Xian, Ming Yi, Jerrold, Wei Xiong, Hui Jie, Kong Sheng, Wan Xin-Jie, Hui Wen, Debra, Eugene, Mei Yu, Wei En, Yang En, Kenneth Zhang, Daniel and me:) Hahas so many people, we had a nightmare finding a location where we can eat together hahas. In the end we settled on Astons in Suntec City.
I can still imagine the look on the waiter's face when we told him out head count hahas... but luckily the manager for the day happens to be Wei En's ex-classmate, and so we somehow managed to find seats for all of us. Hahas... I ordered a Black Pepper Chicken(regretted it) and some mashed potatoes(enjoyed it) and a bottle of IBC Root Beer(loved it). We left around 7 plus.

After paying and whatnot, we were faced with the dilemma. The girls wanted to go shopping while the guys wanted to play cards at Mac. In the end we split to two groups. Leaving a small number of guys to go shopping with the girls as escorts(me included) lol... we shopped for Xmas presents and some clothes, but we never bought any for the latter, deciding with our better judgement to wait for the CNY sale before we start to look for it. We rejoined the rest at Mac later, and went our separate ways home around 9pm. hahas... nice way to spend a holiday... haven't gone out with such a big group recently:)
Oh yes, I recently started drawing for fun hahas... I came up with Angwy Penguin!!! (note that this is not a typo) hahas hope we can see more of him in future :)

New possibilities get you excited no matter how old you are.
Labels: random stuff
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10:51 PM
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Hahas finally gotten around to renovating my blog. Been getting feedback that myblog is a little hard to read due to the font colour and background(Ok fine, it's just one person giving the same feedback twice). I felt that way too and so I spent some time revamping it. Give comments please :) since I'm in a mood for change, I wanna settle the problems regarding my blogskin all at one go:)
Labels: random stuff
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10:47 PM